Guide to Festivult

The Festivult season is upon us! What is Festivult you ask? The Festival of the Twelfth Moon, or "Festivult" as it's fondly referred to, is an annual holiday celebration in DDO!

Festivult Coins will appear in-game through January 7th, 2024! The Jester of Festivult remains in-game through January 14th.

Get a Head Start on Festivult!

Throughout the holiday, every treasure chest in Eberron has a chance of dropping “festival coins” in addition to the usual treasure! Whether the chest is in a free dungeon or an adventure pack, there is equal opportunity for coins! There are three types of coins: copper, silver, and gold. Copper is the most common festival coin, while gold is the most rare!

The Jester of the Festivult is a disguised "friend of the Coin Lords." Nobody knows the true name of this fellow, but he can easily be identified by his colorful garb and dwarven stature. He will exchange festival coins for gifts crafted specially for the season from House Ghallanda and House Cannith! Once he arrives, you can bring your festival coins to the Jester of the Festivult, and he will give you a random gift from his festival bag of holding!

There is also a very small chance that the Festival Jester will give you an exceptional gift in exchange for your coins, but what those gifts might be you'll just have to wait and see! Each gift does something special and we know you will love what our artificers and cooks have crafted for you this Festival Season!

The planes are vast and mysterious, and we can never predict how their alignment will impact the magically imbued gifts of Festivult. Each year the Festivult gifts are imbued with a different magical power depending on what planes are in alignment. So if you have some left-over goodies from Festivults past, beware, friends - those treats may not bring the same effects as before! Be sure to store your Festivult goodies in Cookie Jars, available in the DDO Store, and who knows what they'll do next Festivult!

The Jester of the Festivult!

Once the festivities have started, the Jester of the Festivult will be found in the following house wards, floating above on his festival jumping challenges:

    * The Harbor atop the Leaky Dingy Tavern
    * House Phiarlan in the Livewood Theater
    * House Jorasco near Coldwake Pond
    * House Deneith to the west of the Knight's Watch district
    * House Kundarak in Locksmith Square

Check your map for his location in these zones! You’ll be able to climb on the floating jump challenges to reach the Jester! If you aren't as sure-footed, you can visit the Jester in the Harbor, where he has made a ladder available on the side of the Leaky Dingy tavern to reach him directly.

So don’t wait, get out there and start gathering those coins, because the Jester of the Festivult is coming to town!

The Festivult Tradition

Since ancient times, the folk of Eberron have observed Long Shadows during these chill weeks of the month of Vult (December) -- a grim season when the power of the Shadow, god of the Dark Six, is at its strongest. Dire magic gathers in dusky corners, and evil stalks the night in a thousand guises. The Coin Lords have determined that the terror of Long Shadows must end! To this end, they devised the festival as a celebration to drive evil out of the city. Instead of cowering from the Shadow, citizens are encouraged to exchange gifts with their adventuring partners and loved ones. And by slaying the monsters who threaten the city's well-being, they may collect festival coins to demonstrate their dauntless spirit in the face of Long Shadows and the Dark Six!