Year of the Dragon - March 2024!
Get our newest Adventure Pack for FREE for the latest gift in our Year of the Dragon celebration! Visit the Silver Dragon named Xatheral in the Eberron Hall of Heroes now through April 23rd, 2024 to acquire the Slice of Life Adventure Pack for your game account! You can find the Eberron Hall of Heroes in The Marketplace, near the location of the House Kundarak Bank, on any non-Hardcore game world. Xatheral is located in the lower level in the northeastern corner within the Eberron Hall of Heroes. Join us in celebrating the Year of the Dragon today!
Daily life in Sharn isn't quite as ordinary as some would believe. Take part in a cooking competition, renovate a home, and go on an educational date in this "totally ordinary" series of quests! The Slice of Life quests are level 18 on Heroic difficulty and level 34 on Legendary difficulty. The quest givers can be found in Nymph's Court at Morgrave University.
Three quests are available:
- Fred's First Date
- Too Many Cooks
- This Old Haunt
Make sure to claim this adventure pack for FREE through April 23rd, 2024!
ALSO: Daily Gold Rolls for VIP through April 23rd!
We're giving VIPs free Daily Dice gold rolls through April 23rd! Learn more about our VIP program on
- The Slice of Life will be available to purchase separately in the DDO Store after April 23rd.
- This adventure pack will also be free to VIPs after this free acquisition method ends. However, VIPs who speak to Xatheral now will unlock the Adventure Pack for their account!
- You only need to speak to Xatheral once, on one game world, in order to unlock the Slice of Life Adventure Pack for your account.
- Xatheral is not available on the Hardcore server.